- while hula hooping
- on stilts
- on a paddle board
- in a paddleboat
- in a canoe
- next to waterfall
- at the dentist
- at the optometrist
- at my wedding
- at other people's weddings
- on an elephant
- on high ropes course
- while rock climbing
- while jumping rope
- while doing yoga
- on an escalator
- in the water (in a floaty)
- in a tire swing
- hanging upside down
- while swords were being juggled past
- in a tree
to try or revist:
- on rollerskates
- on iceskates
- in the waterfall
- more yoga
- under water
- on a trampoline
- near a beehive (in beekeeper garb)
- more playground
- slacklining
- on a mechanical bull
- on a carousel horse
- on a rollercoaster or other amusement park rides
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