Sunday, June 9, 2013

World Wide Knit in Public Day

Ok, so perhaps my extreme knitting was not quite as epic of an experience as I hoped for....but I did have an enjoyable day and got some fun photographers. Would have been nice if I could have had someone more experienced with my little camera around because some of the photos are so-so....but I had a blast and I think the people seeing me got a kick out of it too.

Warmed up with knitting and walking. No photos, because that's easy peasey. My first real deal of the day was knitting on a paddleboard. Kneeling was no biggie...but standing was an interesting matter....your legs are making constant, tiny adjustments and by the time I got back off, my legs were tired!
Knitting on a paddleboard Knitting on a paddleboard

I got some yoga and obstacle course time in....
Knitting while doing yoga Obstacle course knittin

Had a dickens of a time finding the big jump ropes but I did find them at the end of the day, and was able to prove that YES, I can jump rope and knit at the same time. Not sure how many stitches I did...but I did them. And I didn't hurt myself.

Jumping rope while knitting

I do have a couple more photos to share but I will post them at another time. I hope you enjoyed this...and if you have suggestions of what else I should do while knitting, please let me know!

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